
Sprigs and Roots is a blog that began as an intellectual journey into why I attempt gardening, and why I struggle with it.  It has evolved into a collection of nature observations, short stories, and a chronicle of the failures and successes of my green thumb.

Oh, you want to know about me, personally?  I am a writer and analytical thinker, both at heart and in my day job.  I appreciate home-grown food, but can't cook.  My ideas frequently outpace my time constraints and my patience.
I grew up in Minnesota (short and harsh growing season), and lived in North Dakota, where saw some of the richest farmland in the country. I moved to North Carolina for graduate school, and met and married a farm boy from Nebraska.  I have lived in north-central NC for 8 years and am still exploring the gardening limits and requirements for Zone 7.
If you would like to contact me, please send an e-mail to sprigsandroots (at) gmail (dot) com.