
The other day, I checked on the bluebird family in our new nesting box.  I found a little set of pretty blue eggs inside!

I then went to the mailbox and decided to clean out the old nest that seems as though it's been sitting there for weeks.  When I looked at it, it did seem as though it was a little larger than it had been previously.  I pulled it out, and found another set of eggs -- four in total.

I don't know if those eggs are old and have been abandoned, or another bluebird couple have set up squatting rights in the old mailbox nest.  However, just in case they are viable, I put the nest back where I found it.

I couldn't help but think -- this is a very random thought -- that if hope had a shape, it would probably be oval.  Nothing is so clearly symbolic of hope as an egg.  And I certainly have seen a lot of eggs around here --including the eggs we found after the spring tornado, and the 2 eggs that fell out of the other nest in the neighboring mailbox, and these latest discoveries, I've seen at least a dozen songbird eggs this year.  Lots of eggs and no babies....  yet.

Hope remains. 


Your Gardening Friend said...

How exciting! The eggs you have in your nesting box and the mailbox are great for photos. You'll be able to take photos of the brand new hatchlings. I think that's REALLY exciting!

The only photo I had of the hatchlings in our yard, was one way too sad to publish. I wish I had taken a photo when John had one in his hands, (when he picked them up with sandwich bags on his hands). I'm "hopeful" to see hatchlings next year. :)